Monday, March 10, 2008

Week Eight: Culturally Responsive Curriculum

Thanks for sharing the results of your first inquiry science lesson and posting a question that you still have about how to "inquirize" your teaching. For this week's blog, we'll begin by considering these questions in your grade bands. Choose one of your classmate's questions and offer them a suggestion. Be sure to refer to the reading on "inquirizing" your teaching as you answer the question.

Next, think about our exploration of culturally responsive science curriculum last week. Take a moment to explore the curriculum resources for implementing Indian Education for All (IEFA) on the class wiki, then consider your current field experience placement. Which IEFA curriculum could you use in your current field placement? Why? How would you use it? What would you want students to learn? (Don't forget that this includes an exploration of the OPI Indian Education website as well.)

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